I’m seriously not making this one up! I frequent several internet bulletin boards where sex is discussed, and often when the topic is oral sex someone (yes a man obviously) will mention this technique. It simply consists of tracing out the alphabet from A to Z over your partner’s clitoris to bring her to orgasm.
Now you might be a bit sceptical on this technique and I was as well… but what the heck let’s give it a shot and see if our lady enjoys it. Let’s assume that any tongue contact around the edges of the clitoral hood feel good, and any tongue contact over the center of the clitoral hood feels great (whoo hoo!)
A: Up stroke from the bottom at an angle just brushing over the top of the clitoral hood, then a downstroke from the top again brushing over the top of the clitoral hood, followed by a small flick across the middle of the clitoral hood (whoo hoo!) from left to right.
B: Straight downward stroke along the left side of the clitoral hood from top to bottom, then a half circle/arc starting at the top left of the clitoral hood, sweeping over the middle of the clitoral hood (whoo hoo!) and ending at the middle left side of the clitoral hood, then another half circle/arc starting at the left middle side of the clitoral hood and again sweeping over the center of the clitoral hood (whoo hoo!), and ending at the bottom left side of the clitoral hood.
C: A long sweeping arc which starts at the top right corner of the clitoral hood, and traces a circle around the outside of the clitoral hood before ending at the bottom right corner of the clitoral hood.
D: Straight downward stroke along the left side of the clitoral hood from top to bottom, then a long sweeping arc which starts at the top left corner of the clitoral hood, and traces a circle around the outside of the clitoral hood before ending at the bottom left corner of the clitoral hood.
E: Straight downward stroke along the left side of the clitoral hood from top to bottom, then a straight stroke across the top of the clitoral hood from left to right, then a straight stroke directly across the middle of the clitoral hood from left to right (whoo hoo!), then a final straight stroke across the bottom of the clitoral hood from left to right.
Hmmm. I wonder if I’m supposed to be using upper case, or lower case characters? Ok, let’s try again with lower case.
a: A long sweeping arc which starts at the top right corner of the clitoral hood, and traces a circle around the outside of the clitoral hood before ending at the bottom right corner of the clitoral hood, then a straight downward stroke along the right side of the clitoral hood from the top to bottom.
Hmmmm. I should probably be tracing smaller patterns because lower case characters are smaller than upper case characters. That would mean more contact closer to the middle of the clitoral hood (whoo hoo!).
b: Straight downward stroke along the left side of the clitoral hood from top to bottom, then a small half circle/arc starting just at the outside top left of center of the clitoral hood and sweeping around just outside the center of the clitoral hood before ending just outside the bottom left of center of the clitoral hood (whoo hoo!)
Hmmmm. I wonder if I’m supposed to be tracing these letters backwards so my partner will know which letters I am tracing? Damn that would take even more concentration than I am already giving. DAMN I just noticed I was so busy concentrating on tracing the alphabet that I completely stopped using my hands, and I also completely lost my rhythm, AND I lost focus so much I’ve even lost my erection!!
So I pause to ask my partner “What do you think”? “Well… it’s okaaaaay I guess, but I kinda liked what you were doing before better”.
Hmmmm. This alphabet technique is basically providing random contact on my partner’s clitoris compared to the careful fluttering, swirling, gliding, flicking combinations I normally use. I suppose “any” contact is better than no contact but I personally think the alphabet technique is a lame game. (I rarely disparage other people’s technique preferences but I’m going to make an exception on this one). If you think this technique will work for you and your lady then good luck to you, but I can’t recommend this one to anybody.
If you think any of my information is incorrect, or can be improved please do contact me. My sensual journey is far from over and I am always looking to learn new things, or improve/correct things I thought I knew.